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Reality TV on a Mission
Like a modern-day Paul and Barnabas, two young adventurers take the gospel to the far reaches of the earth—as the camera rolls.
Tuesdays With Tozer- Worship
The true nature of worship.
Developing a Divine Appetite
What makes us hungry for God?
Mary - Unexpected
Imagine teenaged Mary's experience of discovering her pregnancy.
Mary - Unfulfilled/ Fulfilled
Along with the great honor of being chosen to be the mother of the Christ came unspeakable pain as she watched her son despised, rejected, and crucified.
News you can use
Build a Better Facebook?
How churches can benefit from Google+
Tuesdays with Tozer- Holy Men & Women
The desire others carry for God can help ignite our own.
Tuesdays with Tozer--Wounds
Why do so many Christians expect God to shield us from suffering?
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